About Me

Hi there, it’s Kaitlyn, your local creative!

My entire life was spent in front of a camera and surrounded by artwork of myself and family. Someone was always taking photos. I probably have a photo from every month of every year of my life which is SO cool! Now that I have grown up, I have realized that it isn’t the ‘norm’ to have images hung up all around the house, displayed on cabinet tops, or in every holiday card with an updated family portrait. I had no idea!

Once I discovered this, I had a new goal in life. A goal to add value to families with the artwork we create together! Images that will build confidence, strengthen relationships, and to share with others to express who you are. Heirlooms created with your portraits that will last more than just one lifetime. Creating memories that can be passed down for generations in your family.

Deciding to start Pure Ardor was a decision that made my soul sing! Everything had been telling me to do this, but I was scared of the unknown for a while. However, life doesn’t stop moving, and I’m ready to use my gift to empower others!

Capturing your life moments and creating memories for you to look back on is my reason why. When you’re feeling sad and like life is pushing down on you, looking back at all of your reasons why is what will cheer you up. Why you do the same mundane tasks day after day, why you get up early in the mornings, why you push through discomfort. But these moments are also why you smile, why you laugh, and why you know what love is. Moments of happiness ready to remind you why life is so beautiful.

You are my reason why.